Parent Information Page
Parents, Welcome to the Marauder Football Program. We are happy to have you join the Marauder Family. Below is the information you will need to enroll your athlete in our program, and the communication links to keep you informed throughout the season. STEP 1: Register Register here using the Marauder Football Sign Up Link. STEP 2: Sign up with AAU AAU will allow for coverage for participation in non-high school activities such as 7v7 and summer workouts. 1. Visit 2. Click “JOIN AAU” button 3. Select “Get a Membership” 4. Select “Youth Athlete Membership” 5. Complete Membership application for “7on7 Football”. Extended AB coverage is optional. 6. Enter CLUB CODE: W3FAW9 (important so that you are on the team roster) 7. Pay for the membership. *Tip: To be covered throughout their time in high school you can select membership coverages as follows. Freshman 3 years, Sophomores 2 years, Juniors – Current Membership Year. 8. Notify coach so he can verify roster. STEP 3: Follow our social media sites Facebook Main Page: “MMHS Football” Facebook Parent Group: “MMHS Football Parent Group” Instagram: “mmmaraudersfootball” Twitter: “@_Maraudersfb” STEP 4: Link our calendar to yours. Link our google “All Teams calendar” to your calendars for easier referencing. STEP 5: Complete the Athletic Clearance: Completed physicals are needed. Physical forms can be downloaded directly from Home Campus. Create an account on Home Campus using the students and parents tab. Complete the required information and upload your child’s completed physical. Scan and email the confirmation page ONLY to – and cc: Ron Lardizabal- Athletic Director STEP 6: Who to contact with questions: Head Coach; Jorge Reyes (619) 928-7835 Program Administrator; Olivia Beniquez (619) 384-1727 Email: Step 7: Volunteer Marauder Football is a thriving program with the dedication and active support of our parents! Your commitment to support your child through active volunteering within our program is what makes “The Mecca” a special place to be. We have many opportunities where your experience, time and talents will be needed and greatly appreciated. Listed below are just a few; Pancake Breakfast Senior Night Coordination Concessions- 3 game shifts per child in program Team Moms/Dads Team Meals Team Banquets…. and more…. |